Brushes with Ghosts: The Ghostly Tale Behind Page One
Hey Tooners!
So, I stumbled upon this ancient relic from 2009 in the dusty corners of my art archives—Page One of Ghosts: The Corechasers. I say stumbled because, honestly, I can't remember if I drew it during the era of flip phones or when hashtags were still a mysterious language. Oh wait, I put the date on it. Duh! Time flies, or in this case, perhaps hovers like a ghost.
"Hey, artist-person,
we need a makeover."
Let's call it the second draft, the remix, the "I can't believe I drew this before smartphones were a thing" version. Why the redo? Well, my artistic style decided to pull a quick-change act, as it tends to do when you're caught in the timeless loop of drawing a comic. It's like my characters whispered, "Hey, artist-person, we need a makeover."
And that's the magic (or curse) of the prolonged comic creation process, at least mine. You witness your own artistic evolution like a time-lapse, with each page becoming a testament to your growth.
This particular page, born from the depths of inspiration, probably conceived during a shower session and influenced by a cocktail of Matrix vibes and a hefty dose of anime. Because where else do great ideas emerge, right? I've checked my butt... nothing there.
Now, this page didn't just pop into existence fully formed; it went through a metamorphosis. Changes galore before it hit the inks and colors. But here it is, preserved in the digital world with good new-fashioned digital strokes.
And before you ask, yes, there was an elusive first-first version, lost somewhere in some old suitcase somewhere. Maybe it got abducted by aliens, who knows? What matters is that the new page is here.
As this journey unfolds, I invite you to join me. Leave your mark in the comments, share your thoughts on this time-traveling page, and brace yourself for the continuation of Ghosts: The Corechasers. It's a visual rollercoaster, and your ticket is a comment away.
Until the next stroke of the pencil,
Haro! 🚀👻