Junetoon 2020
It has been quite a year for all of us. We've had ups and we've had downs. To put it mildly, we've been through a lot. Yet, I am so grateful to have been able to participate and organize our yearly drawing challenge with @getatom and @omarsalinasart.
Junetoon was a great success this year. With the help of our sponsor @fabercastellusa, we were able to give 4 participating artists some cool art supplies as prizes. We also want to thank everyone who participated in the event. We saw some great art this year. Although our numbers were no match to last year's, as far as posts are concerned, I am extremely grateful to those of you who were able to partake in this challenge because I am sure you also had better things to do and more serious matters to attend to (COVID-19).
I say thank you today by showcasing some of the wonderful work we came across during Junetoon 2020. If I didn't put up your artwork, I am sorry I missed you. You can click the button below to see the entire Junetoon collection of posts.
Until next time, #drawwatuwant.