I was able to get a hold of Jose, detach him from his busy day, and ask him some questions I've gotten from people regarding the character:
So, how old were you when you created Super J and what made you decide to give him the powers you gave him?
I believe I was 12 or 13 years old. I modeled him after and idealized version of myself as a superhero.
Did you have any inspiration for the character?
I was inspired by quite a few well known comic book heroes. Captain Britain heavily influenced me costume wise. You can see how similar Super J's mask and costume are to Cap. Britain.
Did you ever think you would see your character in an actual book?
I dreamed of creating his own book when I worked for Marvel. But like most grownups, I gave up my dreams for a boring job. I never got to work for Marvel by the way and I don't draw like used to since my mid-twenties
You wrote the first episode of The Show Comic. Any chance you will be writing any future episodes?
It depends on whether fans of the book want me back. Haroartist seems to be doing a great job with story continuity and keeping with the characters main personality traits.
Are you working on any other creative projects now? If so, can you name them?
Currently I am working a lot and reading a lot of fiction (mostly sci-fi and fantasy). Hopefully reading will get my creative juices flowing again.
Besides Super J, are there any other characters you created that you would like to see in the show comic universe?
I would love to see Shank and Jaust preferably as mercenary anti-hero types like Marvel's Deadpool.
I just want to say "Thank you" Jose, and to all my readers and followers, join me today in celebrating Jose's and Super J's birthday. Happy birthday pal! You can send him birthday wishes on instagram and twitter using the @Embryonicgod handle.