Although the decision to move 3,000 miles away from where I rested my head every night came abruptly, it wasn't as if I had not been thinking about it for a while. About 10 years prior to my move, I visited Los Angeles and practically fell in love with the west coast. I can see why Tupac stayed. I had been thinking about making the move even before I met my wife. I had already started to make some crucial research in what I needed to live in California. I remember reaching out to my friend and asking her if she had any tips she could send my way. She did. It wasn't long after that I felt I could actually start my big goal to become a west coaster. Sometimes things happen to stop you dead in your tracks. I can't remember what it was that halted my progress but I do know that it would be another 8 years or so before I ever had California on the brain again. Speaking of brains, I think I finished with all the inks without even realizing it. What I do next is pass it on to the incredible Atom (Adam Harris) so he can lay some color on it.