Because I was born in September, I always had a Love/Hate relationship with my birthday. Unless some kind of catastrophe occurred, I was stuck going to school. It was usually the first week too; one of he most awkward times of the year, at least for me.
Stolen Thunder
Not only did the first day and week of school shower me with anxiety about who my teacher was going to be, which other kids I was going to see, and what my classes were going to be like, but it took something from me. Because everyone close to my age was going through the same thing, my birthday was overshadowed. Not that I craved attention, but it was always nice for someone you know to remember that for some miraculous reason, so many years ago, I was born and because of it, this day is sort of special for me.
I Get That Feeling
Even though I’m not in school anymore, when I hear the sirens signaling the beginning of autumn and school, I get the same jittery feeling. I can’t explain it. It usually lasts a couple of weeks like a cold sore, leaving an invisible mark in my memory and a bad taste in my mouth. I would have thought that over the years the symptoms would die down a bit, but it’s actually the same intensity every time.
This weekend, the Turlock Toon Skwad will be at the Hard Rock Cafe Hotel for the SciFi-Fantasy Comic Con. If you happen to be in the area, pass by our tables and say hello. Hope to see you there.