"In the spirit of revamping and remaking and even re-featuring 80's cartoons, I decided to draw Quicksilver from the SilverHawks. I'm not sure how many of you remember the SilverHawks, but they were right up there with ThunderCats."
Wait, this was like a million years ago I wrote that, back when I had nothing or little to say. Okay, well maybe more like 5 years ago. That sounds a little more believable, right?
At this time I had been looking at all things Cheeks. If you aren't sure what I mean by that, Cheeks is Sean Galloway's nickname. I am not even going to ask why they call him cheeks, cause I am not going there. I can only assume it is because he had big cheeks growing up. Let's put a pin on that one. If you aren't familiar with his work, click here and bathe yourself in the awesomeness that is Cheeks. Anyway, I had been surfing the interwebs in search of all his work and I decided to model this drawing using some of his awesome designs as inspiration. If you see a lot of similarities to his work on this drawing of quicksilver, it is probably because there is. I was mimicking the crap out of his style in the hopes of dissecting it and pretty much learning from it. It is one of the ways I do studies and incorporate someone else's style I like into mine.
More recent version of Quicksilver drawn in 2017
My art style (since people seem to say I have one, even though I don't) is a culmination of many art styles I look at. When I see a style I like I usually practice drawing like they do until it becomes second nature to me and it is acclimated into my own. Sometimes it can be the way someone draws women' lips or eyes, or even the way someone draws feet or hands. If I like something, I attempt to do it and then it becomes part of my programming. I guess you can say my style is a Chimera of some of the artists whose work I admire.
A few years later I drew this Quicksilver and as you can see, the style changed drastically. This version is closer to the style that I have now, but I can see some Cheeks influences in there. To view a gallery of more Silverhawks and other 80s cartoons, check out my #80stoon collection; a part of my "Draw 100 Things" challenge which eventually turned into the event we now call #Junetoon.
Do you have a favorite artist or artists? Let me know who they are down in the comments.
Until next time, #drawwatuwant.
Rewatching Silverhawks as an adult revealed some hilarious flaws—like silver heroes in space. Dive with me into the science fails and nostalgia in this blog post!